reversed phase chromatography

美 [rɪˈvɜːrst feɪz ˌkroʊməˈtɑːɡrəfi]英 [rɪˈvɜːst feɪz ˌkrəʊməˈtɒɡrəfi]
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reversed phase chromatographyreversed phase chromatography
  1. The feasibility was verified by reversed phase chromatography including C18 and phenyl column , which were used to separate some neutral compounds .


  2. In the reversed phase chromatography , a novel high molecular resin was applied .


  3. Study on the dyeing methods of rapeseed fatty acid by reversed phase chromatography


  4. In addition , reversed phase chromatography , pyrolysis gas chromatography and chemical degradation chromatography are discussed respectively .


  5. Study on Dilution and Ion Exchange Chromatographic Refolding of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-stimulating Factor by Reversed Phase Chromatography


  6. M-npf-spectrophotometric determination of uranium after separation by tbp - ( x-5 ) reversed phase chromatography


  7. The final purity of taxol was more than 95 % with the total recovery of 96 % after the process of reversed phase chromatography .


  8. Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometric determination of twelve micro elements in burnable poison ( Gd , U ) O_2 after separation by reversed phase chromatography


  9. The results showed that in reversed phase chromatography , isolated protein of interest was denatured and precipitated immediately after chromatography because methanol or acetonitrile were adopted as the organic phase .


  10. The analytical condition of reversed phase chromatography , binary ion pair chromatography and ion - exchange chromatography were built by the combination of HPLC with Photodiode Array Detector ( HPLC-DAD ) technology .


  11. So the sperm membranes were extracted by low-osmotic lytic . Thirdly , utilizing reversed phase chromatography of AKTA Explorer 100 system , the compositions of SMPs were isolated .


  12. In order to satisfy the needs of purity of the N terminal amino acid sequence determination and peptide analysis , an alkaline lipase purified with low pressure chromatography system was further purified by high pressure reversed phase chromatography .


  13. Through ultrasonic fragmentation , heat and centrifugation , the crude hormones liquid of Eriocheir sinensis ' optic ganglia was obtained , and also 13 samples after the further isolation by reversed phase chromatography ( RPC ) .


  14. Application of molecular simulation in reversed phase liquid chromatography


  15. The Influencing Factors of Column Phase Ratio in Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography


  16. Study on the strength of mobile phase in reversed phase liquid chromatography by NMR


  17. Studies on the seperation of metallic ions by reversed phase paper chromatography


  18. The study for retention mechanism of reversed phase ion-pair chromatography


  19. Iso-enthalpy Point of Homologues in High Performance Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography


  20. Investigation on the Retention Rules of Various C18 Packings in Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography


  21. Study on separation and determination of gallium by ether silica gel column of reversed phase extraction chromatography


  22. The Parameter LgI in Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography as a New Characterization of Drug Hydrophobicity


  23. Chromatographic Behavior of Fat-soluble Vitamin in Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography with Water-isopropanol Mobile Phase


  24. Studies on organophosphorus compounds & ⅴ . separation and identification of neutral organophosphorus compounds by reversed phase paper chromatography


  25. The Contributions of Stationary Phase and Mobile Phase to the Column Phase Ratio ( log ) in Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography


  26. Retention Behavior of Some Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Alkylphosphonate Modified Magnesia Zirconia Composite Stationary Phase for Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatography


  27. Study on Continuous Separation and Determination of Gold (ⅲ) and Thallium (ⅲ) by Reversed phase Extraction Chromatography on Silica Gel Tri Butyl Phosphate Column


  28. High purity 111 In is obtained by reversed phase partition chromatography from an irradiated cadmium target with HDEHP extractive eluting resin .


  29. The analysis of methidium 's precursor methylates was carried out by reversed phase liquid chromatography with UV and MS detectors .


  30. Study of the mechanism of the extraction of ions of rare earths , uranium (ⅵ), copper , calcium and zinc with HDEHP by means of reversed phase paper chromatography
